Chapter:Nine - Riding in the Wagon with Ben (The Name of the Wind)

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Chapter summaries may contain unmarked spoilers

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The start of lessons and mind strengthening exercises.


Characters physically appearing in the chapter

  • Kvothe is telling the story, and starring in it. He gets nicknamed Red by Abenthy.
  • Abenthy is portly, with twinkling eyes, a strip of grey hair running round the back of his head. He gets nicknamed Ben by Kvothe.

Characters mentioned in the chapter, but not physically present

  • Taborlin the Great is mentioned as someone who knew great magics.
  • Trip is a member of Kvothe's troupe, and has a Knack for rolling sevens.
  • Teren is rehearsing lines from The Swineherd and the Nightingale.
  • Shandi is rehearsing lines from The Swineherd and the Nightingale.


Locations mentioned in the chapter, but not physically visited

  • The University is where Arcanists learn, working their way through the Arcanum.
  • Temper Glen is where Kvothe heard rumours of the Arcanum.
  • Staup is mentioned as the town Abenthy grew up in.


Creatures physically appearing in the chapter

  • Alpha and Beta text will give a linked and referenced entry.